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If Israel Is Not Evil, the World Is in Big Trouble

If you received our most recent newsletter, you know how concerned we are over the recent international incident vis-à-vis Israel’s blockade of Gaza.

Amid all the criticism that’s been heaped on Israel in the mainstream press, it’s hard to sift through the mountain of information and separate fact from fiction. Fortunately, a few journalists have managed to maintain a balanced approach to the issue. We’d like to highlight one such article today: If Israel Is Not Evil, the World Is in Big Trouble” by Jewish radio talk show host Dennis Prager. To view the article, click the link and it’ll open in a new page.

One of the things we’ll be doing in this blog is to bring thoughtful, informed perspectives like Dennis Prager’s to your attention. Hopefully, this information will help balance the input we’re all getting from other, “mainstream” media. It should also remind us that God is working today through world events that are unfolding all around us. That bigger picture is very important.

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Your friend and brother,



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