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Significant Scholarship for Pro-Israel Evangelicals

We all know there's a dearth of in-depth, yet accessible scholarship in the messianic evangelical world these days.

It seems like most of our publications go to one extreme or the other. Either they're dumbed down to a sixth-grade level (no offense to you sixth graders out there) or they're so academic and technical, you need a Ph.D. to understand them.

I don't really like either of the extremes. They both put me to sleep. Why can't we hit a happy medium?

I think we can—and I have proof!

Jim Sibley and our friends at the Pasche Institute of Jewish Studies at Criswell College have done it. (That is, they've hit that happy medium between the two extremes.) Their Mishkan theological journal is a wonderful blend of outstanding scholarship and smooth readability. I just received my copy of Issue #64 (2010). The theme is "The Gospel and the Jewish People." A few of the articles in this issue are:

  • "In What Sense Was the First Coming of Jesus Messianic?" by Colin Barnes
  • "Messiah As Wisdom: The Delight of God and Men (A Theological Exposition of Proverbs 8:22-31)
  • "A Compositional Analysis of Zechariah 12:10" by Jason Blazs
  • "Circumcision and Jewish Identity" by May Samuel-Whittington

Then there are also several excellent book reviews by our longtime friend Rich Robinson (of Jews for Jesus) and others.

You can order your copy of Issue #64 at our store, Messianic Specialities.

I don't often promote other peoples' ministries, but this is an instance where I just can't help myself. So if you share my enthusiasm for biblical, readable, scholarly articles about the church's relationship to ethnic Israel and our responsibility to share the Good News of Yeshua with our Jewish friends and neighbors, I would strongly encourage you to subscribe.

You won't be sorry.

For subscription info, go online to: www.mishkanstore.org.


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