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A Hopeful Sign from the Obama Administration

From the New York Times news service:

U.S. Blocks Security Council Censure of Israeli Settlements


The United States used its veto on Friday afternoon to block a
Security Council resolution declaring Israel’s settlement construction
in the West Bank illegal.

Many rumors had been swirling around Washington, DC, about what the US would do when this resolution was brought before the United Nations Security Council.

Some sources were saying that the US was on the verge of casting its first anti-Israel vote since the founding of the Jewish State in 1948.

That would have been a big, BIG mistake.

And thank God, it didn't happen.

There are many reasons to be proud of our great country; but we can be especially proud today because when the rest of the Security Council was ready to pounce on tiny Israel, the United States of America stepped into the line of fire and said, "You'll have to come through us first."

You can read the rest of the story by clicking here.

Earlier in the Obama Administration, there were signs that US-Israeli relations were strained (click here).

We were quick to speak up back in September 2010 when we believed the president was wrong.

So we should be just as quick to speak up when he does something right.

This is one of those times.

Thank you, Mr. President, and may God continue to bless the USA!


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