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Israel's Blockade: Where's the Outcry Now?

Last May, the international community was in an uproar over Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Do you remember this? Several leftist "humanitarian aid" groups tried to break through the Israeli blockade with a flotilla of boats. They knew full well that it would provoke a confrontation with the Israelis; and as a result, several people died.

On a sentimental note, my very first blog entry was about the flotilla: click here.


The United Nations released its report on the flotilla incident a few months later and condemned the "brutality" of the Israelis: click here.

Yesterday, that same blockade stopped a ship bound from Syria to Gaza and the Israelis discovered a huge cache of dangerous weapons, including missiles and mortars. The instruction manuals were in Farsi, indicating that the hardware originated in Iran.

These are not defensive weapons, folks. They are offensive in nature—and very dangerous.

Here's the story from The Washington Post, courtesy of one of our researchers, Jon Watson: click here.

I have four questions:

  1. Doesn't this legitimize the blockade by showing its necessity?
  2. In the spirit of its hue and cry for "proportionality," will the UN now condemn Hamas for trying to smuggle weapons into Gaza?
  3. Where is the outcry from the international community about this? They shrieked like scalded monkeys last May, so why are they quiet now?
  4. Where is the media coverage? All we saw for weeks last year was news about the flotilla incident and its aftermath. Now, nothing.

It all goes to show that anti-Semitism (and more specifically, anti-Israelism) is alive and well in the 21st century.

Meanwhile, the dust is starting to settle in the Middle East. Libya is a work in progress, however. We should know in another month or two where we stand regime-wise. Right now, we're watching Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, and several other Mideast countries.

Stay tuned ...



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