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The Tragedy in Japan

Many people are wanting to know what's being done to help the victims of Japan's recent tragedy.

Here's what's currently coming across the news wires: click here for CNN or  click here for Fox News

CJF Ministries doesn't have a presence in Japan because our resources and personnel are concentrated in areas of the world where there's a significant Jewish population. Japan's Jewish community is very small.

if you want to help, there are ways to do it—but please be careful. Scams are already being reported. Con artists are always quick to take advantage of tragedies like this one. They profit from the heartache and pain of others. It's what they do.

However, I'm pleased to report that a number of reputable Christian relief organizations are on the ground right now in Japan and doing what they can to help.

For instance, we just received this report from our friends at NRB (National Religious Broadcasters): click here.

World Vision is also appealing for funds for Japan. These folks have been around for a long time and have a good reputation for financial integrity. Click here.

As many of you know, we also have a longstanding relationship with IFCA International, one of the oldest Bible-believing church-staff fellowships in North America. You can click here for information on how you can provide financial assistance through IFCA-related missionaries in Japan (highly recommended). This is probably the best way to help in terms of (1) making sure the highest percent of your dollars actually make it to the front lines in Japan, and (2) ensuring that the funds are disbursed in Jesus' Name via a ministry that is aligned with us doctrinally.

The ruptures at the nuclear plants are particularly troubling. Now, in addition to cleaning up after the devastation of a record-breaking series of earthquakes and resulting tsunami, the Japanese authorities have to deal with an unfolding nuclear disaster. There are disturbing discrepancies between what the Japanese government is saying and what other experts are reporting. Fallout could be carried by wind currents to virtually anywhere in the world, including the USA (although experts say the radiation levels would be very low). Bloomberg is already reporting that passengers arriving in the US from Tokyo are setting off radiation detectors in our airports: click here. It's all very troubling.

Here are some amazing before and after shots of the tsunami devastation in Japan. Just move your mouse cursor over the photos and it'll show the contrast. Unbelievable.

They say that after World War 2, Douglas MacArthur put out the call for missionaries to descend en masse on Japan and inundate the island nation with the Gospel. One online article recalls:

After Japan surrendered in 1945, General Douglas MacArthur became Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in charge of rebuilding the Japanese government. To a visiting group of evangelicals, MacArthur said: "Japan is a spiritual vacuum. If you do not fill it with Christianity, it will be filled with Communism. Send me 1,000 missionaries." He asked U.S. missionary societies to send "Bibles, Bibles and more Bibles."

However, only a few responded to the call and Japan was not evangelized.

Now maybe we have another chance. Let's pray that the LORD will use this tragedy to impress on the Japanese people their need for Him. May this be an opportunity for Gospel-proclaiming ministries to drive home the truth that man's technology is limited (and sometimes dangerous) and we need the Lord's wisdom and help. It all begins with a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus the Messiah! This is the message that needs to go forth in power during this dark and troubling time.

The Lord talked about natural disasters as a prophetic sign of the times. He said, "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28). May He come soon!

In the meantime, our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the people of Japan.


Japan Report #2 IFCA International Earthquake & Tsunami Benevolence

Dear Praying Folks of IFCA International,

I was finally able to speak with Pastor Shuji Kondo by telephone last night. He and his family are safe outside of Osaka, just south of Tokyo. By God’s providence, they live over 350 miles from Sendai, the city closest to the epicenter of the earthquake. But Shuji has connections with pastors and churches all across Japan and has been communicating with them. Shuji is supremely comforted knowing that all of us are standing behind him and are praying for his country. He is touched by our expressions of solidarity and prayerful support. I told Shuji that after the first-responder phase, many opportunities to use the IFCA funds will become quite apparent. And at that time, plans will come together by Shuji and his trustworthy people in Japan. The IFCA Benevolence Committee will work with them in overseeing those plans and the disbursement of the funds with an emphasis on ways to further evangelistic opportunities. But we’re not there yet. They’re still trying to survive the crisis and need our prayers. Go here for information on how to give toward this emergency in Japan

Below is Shuji’s email from this morning.

Dr. Les Lofquist
IFCA International Executive Director

It was so good to speak with you. Thank you for your prayers.

The true conditions in those areas of northeast Japan are far more worse than I imagined. The latest report tells us that the death toll is close to 5,700 with more than 9,500 people and up to 15,000 still missing. We are acquainted with some Christians who were visiting that area and are missing, they are among those presumed dead.

We found some churches near the damaged nuclear plant.  They may not able to use their church SujiFamPicbuilding again. I will continue my efforts to locate more opportunities to help in the name of Christ.

I feel guilty for staying in my warm house and sleeping on the comfortable bed. Most of them who were forced to evacuate live in freezing cold gyms.

Fifteen people who were evacuated from a hospital to one gym died this afternoon.

There are countless tragic stories.


Photo of Pastor Shuji Kondo and Family
Senior Pastor, Hamadera Bible Church


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