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News You're (Still) Not Getting from Other Sources

Please Note: Some of the hyperlinks below will take you to YouTube or other secular sites where you may see profanity or other objectionable content. We recommend that children not be allowed to click on these links without adult supervision.

Last week, we told you about the vessel that was stopped by the Israeli naval blockade of the Gaza Strip (click here).

The Israelis found that it was carrying a large cache of offensive weaponry, including rockets and other explosives.

Here's an interesting video from the IDF channel on YouTube: click here

Rumors are circulating that YouTube is about the pull the video (ostensibly because it's politically incorrect); however, we have been unable to confirm this from any independent source.

But just in case, I wouldn't wait too long to click on the link if I were you.

Note how cooperative the captain of the Victoria was. He knew his goose was cooked!

And just this morning, in case there's anyone left on earth who wonders why the Palestinians want these types of weapons, there's more news about missiles being fired from Gaza into Israel: click here.

The saga continues—so as always, stay tuned ...


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