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Osama bin Laden is Dead

President Obama just made it official in a late-night announcement from the White House.

Usama bin Laden, mastermind and financier of the 9/11 World Trade Center attack, has been shot dead in a firefight with US special forces personnel in Pakistan.

Several other enemy personnel were killed in the attack. No Americans were injured.

Bin Laden was reportedly living in a mansion-like fortress north of Islamabad, surrounded by high walls and multiple layers of security.

Here are some of the headlines coming across the news wires right now:

For CNN, click here

For Fox News, click here

For the New York Times, click here

The US State Department is warning American citizens who may be traveling overseas at this time to be especially cautious. There are concerns that bin Laden's terrorist network may attempt an attack against American targets in retaliation for their leader's killing.

The war on terror is far from over. We'd better not let our guard down—more tough times and more threats lie ahead.

We can count on that.

The killing of bin Laden is largely symbolic, especially given his declining health in recent years; he was reportedly on dialysis due to acute kidney failure.

But it's a symbol we're grateful for, nonetheless.

Let's continue praying for our brave troops who are overseas on the front lines of the war on terror.

God bless each and every one of them; and may God bless the United States of America.


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