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Bin Laden: Even More Disgusting in Death

Osama bin Laden had been hailed by some as the Jihadic messiah of worldwide militant Islam.

But one important fact calls into question his messianic credentials: he's still dead.

In fact, his body was buried at sea within 24 hours of his death.

Unlike the true Messiah, Yeshua of Nazareth, who arose on the third day, bin Laden isn't coming back.

According to early reports, the Navy Seals who conducted the operation reported that, in his final moments, bin Laden was using one of his wives as a shield—and she was killed along with him.

If that turns out to be true, it only confirms that bin Laden and his ilk are sniveling little cowards.

And what a contrast. When Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Tucson on January 8, a Christian man, Dorwan Stoddard, threw himself over his wife to protect her: click here for story. He was killed; she was unhurt.

Bin Laden, on the other hand, may have used one of his several wives to shield himself from the hail of bullets coming his way. What a sad, pathetic, disgusting excuse for a human being. What does this say about his character—and that of his followers?

But it shouldn't surprise anyone. It doesn't require courage to sit in a tent in a tribal area of Afghanistan and order an attack on innocent civilians 7,000 miles away like bin Laden did on 9/11. He never looked those people in the eye. He didn't even know their names. That is the worst kind of cowardice.

And just think: this guy was the "George Washington" of the Jihadic movement, their much-revered leader.

He was the best they had to offer. Turns out, that wasn't much.

It's been gratifying to hear some Islamic leaders speaking out in support of the execution of bin Laden. It's tempting to ask, "Where were you guys six months or six years ago? Why wait until now?"

But like they say, better late than never, I suppose.

Georgia Heisler, our staff writer here at CJF Ministries, sent me this thought-provoking article from the Christian Science Monitorclick here

In some ways, it seems like taking a bullet between the eyes was an easy way for bin Laden to go. Too easy, in fact.

But remember, God isn't finished with him yet.

I'm sure there's a special, hotter, more unspeakably horrible sector of Hell reserved for evil monsters like Nero, Hitler, and Stalin.

Welcome to the neighborhood, bin Laden.


Update: The White House is now backing off its earlier account of the killing of bin Laden: click here

I apologize in advance if it turns out that my reporting above included inaccuracies due to fluctuations in certain source accounts (like the ones coming out of the White House press office).

But I stand by my assessment that the man was a coward and an evil monster. Killing him was the humane thing to do—not unlike putting down a rabid dog. Whether or not he was armed at the time, and whether or not he was using one of his wives as a human shield, is really immaterial to that ultimate conclusion.

We'll keep you posted as further developments may warrant.


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