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US Middle East Policy Speech

Tomorrow (Thursday, May 19), the President will deliver a major foreign policy address focusing specifically on US policy in the Middle East.

Today, as a prelude to that speech, the White House unveiled a $2 billion aid package for Egypt (click here for details).

This is Mr. Obama's first attempt to codify US Mideast policy in a way that integrates his administration's view of the entire region against the backdrop of US vital interests.

It's a tall order, especially as it relates to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Fatah and Hamas recently signed an accord which has the net effect of moving the entire Arab Palestinian movement in the direction of Hamas, a notorious terrorist organization.

This effort is made even more complicated by all the instability in the Arab world right now. Dictators and kings have fallen and there may be more before long.

There are high expectations for the President's speech.

We'll see what he has to say.


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