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Global Financial Fears (BBC News)

Several of us from CJF Ministries are in England right now attending the annual international meeting of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism (LCJE).

The news channels here are focused on the economic woes back home in the USA. They reported that the US market took a tumble yesterday (Aug. 4) with the Dow and S&P indexes both declining significantly. The financial uncertainty prompted a major sell-off (yesterday was the busiest trading day since June of last year) as investors fled to less speculative investments to shore up their positions.


As always, when there are economic troubles in the US, there's a ripple effect all across the world--especially in the Asian markets and here in Europe. As I sit here on the train to London writing this blog entry, everyone here is waiting to see what will happen when the American stock market opens in about an hour's time.

Maybe the Lord has had enough of humankind's ungodliness and arrogance, and He's about to bring us to our knees with a horrendous, worldwide economic catastrophe. In that case, I say, "Bring it on." It would be a small price to pay to get ourselves back on track spiritually.

Some of us would do well to learn that "one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses" (Luke 12:15). The enormous amount of wealth that evaporates into thin air every time there's a downturn in the global economy is only a drop in the bucket against the backdrop of eternity. With this in mind, we may need to adjust our priorities when it comes to money and material possessions.

Jim Elliot, the late husband of Elizabeth Elliot, had his priorities in order. He said, "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose."

As an aside, don't you find it a bit bizarre that the Communist Chinese are now rooting for us? Their best interests have intersected with ours in a strange sort of way. They own so much US debt (in the form of US securities they've purchased and hold in their investment portfolio), if we go down, they go with us! So now they're cheering us on and hoping against hope that we make it through this.

Who would have thought it? How do you say, "Go USA" in Chinese?

Earlier this morning, BBC News here in the UK carried a news conference where Olli Rehn, EU Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, was fielding questions. His comments made it obvious that the Eurozone countries of the European Union (that is, those countries who've adopted the euro as their currency) are deeply concerned that the global economy may be hovering on the precipice of a major disaster. (For up to date information from the EU, go to the Commission's website ec.europa.eu)

Right now, the British are patting themselves on the back for not adopting the euro a couple of years ago (which means that technically, they're not entangled in the currently-troubled Eurozone). This in fact is one reason why the UK didn't throw its hat into the Eurozone ring in the first place: they knew that Eurozone countries like Greece are relatively weak and undisciplined, so they were afraid that if these weaker countries ever defaulted, the UK might be called upon to bail them out. The UK is an economic superpower (London-based banks have more assets than all US-based banks combined) and the Brits are not interested in being billed for the shortcomings of their EU neighbors.

Here at CJF Ministries, we are typically reserved about declaring current events to be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. However, it's difficult to witness what's happening right now and fail to be reminded of these facts:

  1. The Prophet Daniel (Ch. 7) portrays an end-time scenario in which much of the Mediterranean world (roughly corresponding geographically to the ancient Roman Empire) is unified under a single government structure--a resurrection, of sorts, of Daniel's ancient fourth world empire:

    Chapter 7 parallels chapter 2; both set forth the four empires, followed by the complete overthrow of all ungodly resistance, as the final (fifth) kingdom is established on earth to enforce the standards of God’s righteousness. The winged lion corresponds to the golden head of the dream image (ch. 2); the ravenous bear to its arms and chest; the swift leopard to its belly and thighs; the fearsome ten-horned beast to its legs and feet. Lastly, the stone cut out without hands that in chapter 2 demolishes the dream image has its counterpart in the glorified Son of Man, who is installed as Lord over all the earth. But chapter 7 tells us something chapter 2 does not—viz., that the Messiah himself will head the final kingdom of righteousness (see Daniel and the Minor Prophets, Volume 7 of Expositor's Bible Commentary, Frank Gaebelein, General Editor [Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1985], electronic ed., at Dan. 7:1-8).

    The stage certainly seems to be set vis-à-vis the EU for a future fulfillment of the "unified Europe" prophecies. Some Christians continue to be skeptical because the late Herbert W. Armstrong, a broadcaster who was wrong about the Trinity and numerous other issues, was one of the first to talk about a "United States of Europe"; however, as it has been said, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    We know that Daniel's fourth kingdom brings us up to the 21st century because it’s followed by a fifth kingdom (the Millennium, the earthly Kingdom of God), which will commence at some point in the future. The fourth kingdom, then, had a first century manifestation (the ancient Roman Empire) and it will have a 21st century manifestation (an end-time resurrection of that ancient empire). In-between those two manifestations, it lay dormant for 1,500 years or more.

  2. The prophetic Scriptures intimate that when the coming anti-Messiah makes his debut on the world stage (during a period we refer to as the Tribulation), a global economic system will be in place that will make it difficult or even impossible to carry on commerce (that is, buying and/or selling) without some sort of "mark" or central approval (Rev. 13:17). Maybe Hal Lindsey and others who have suggested that this control might be accomplished through credit cards or embedded computer chips aren't that far off-base after all. At the very least, we see a global economic apparatus in place now that could accomplish this very thing (that is, make it very difficult to buy or sell without utilizing the system). We also see how desperate the world is for answers to these problems. The anti-Messiah will successfully mediate a seven-year Mideast peace pact between Israel and her Arab neighbors (Dan. 9:27). As a result, he will no doubt be acclaimed as a miracle worker.
  3. The third thing that is glaringly apparent these days (and it's related to the two points above) is the interconnectedness of our world. If Wall Street tumbles, the ripple effect is felt within hours in places like Tokyo, Beijing, Brussels, London, and elsewhere around the world. The Internet with all of its social media, credit and debit cards, and the interdependence of economies (even if they're on different continents) certainly syncs well with the Bible's numerous predictions about end-time global unity--politically, economically, religiously, and other aspects of interconnectedness, as well. Consider, for example, the "Babylon the Great" prophecies in the Book of Revelation, where God is said to bring judgment upon a system that includes "all nations" (14:8).

So, then, what does all of this tell us about the current wave of fear and apprehension that is engulfing our world? First, as believers, we should have a different perspective. Rather than being paralyzed with fear, we should be keen to learn the lessons God is teaching us through these experiences (1 Peter 4:12-13).

Sadly, some of us have become indistinguishable from the rest of the world. We have adopted the same priorities and worldview as everyone else. God, on the other hand, wants us to be salt and light (Matt. 5:13-16). Salt and light are both entities that rely on differentiation for their usefulness. The point is that we should be different—and the Lord uses these trials and difficulties (like the current global economic situation) to show us how.

Second, once the other prophetic puzzle-pieces fall into place, we should lift up our heads in blessed anticipation of our coming redemption: "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28).

Gary Hedrick

London, England

August 2011


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