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Headed to the UN in NYC: Please Pray

CJF Ministries is sending a delegation to NYC tomorrow to participate in a pro-Israel demonstration in Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza on the UN campus.

We'll be boarding a plane in a few hours and we would very much appreciate your prayers as we go.

Even now, things are heating up at the UN. Some recent news coverage:

A video report from The Jerusalem Post

NYC police are on high alert

Pro-Palestinians are out in force in NYC

Abbas and the Palestinian Authority will be asking the UN to make a unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood without any further negotiations with the Israelis.

Everyone knows that the UN doesn't have the authority to create nations by its own initiative. This means the move (assuming it happens) will be largely a symbolic gesture.

But it's important, nonetheless.

We want the world (and the Obama Administration) to know that the State of Israel still has plenty of support here in the United States.

We will not sit quietly by while the UN tries to set the stage for yet another Mideast war.

Again, please pray for us as we go.

Thank you.


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