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This Just In: More Missiles Hitting Israel

Arutz Sheva (Channel 7 in Israel) is reporting that another missile attack has been launched on Israel.

Yes, I know—it's not on CNN, MSNBC, or even Fox News. 

Funny how the mainstream media conveniently overlooks news items like this one, don't you think?

If the US launched a missile at a target in Mexico or Canada (or vice versa), it would be major news.

The same thing would have been true if Israel had launched a missile at a Palestinian target. The Israelis would probably be denounced by a specially-called session of the UN Security Council.

But because it's the Palestinians launching a missile at a target in Israel (which, thank God, it missed), it's not newsworthy. And the UN ignores it.

No biggie.

Here's the news item directly from Arutz Sheva in Israel: click here

How ironic that on Wednesday (9/21, the day after tomorrow), the Palestinian Authority plans to ask the United Nations unilaterally to declare the existence of Palestine as a nation alongside Israel—and here are the Palestinians, already carrying out an act of war against a neighbor.

Just a few months ago, they executed a foreign relief worker whom they suspected was friendly toward Israel (which wasn't true, by the way; he was actually an outspoken defender of the Palestinian cause). Read about it here.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: the Palestinians are not ready for their own country. By and large, they are uncivilized (click here for an earlier blog entry on this general topic).

Yes, they have an upper, elite class of wealthy, articulate, and well-educated individuals. But they are a tiny minority. A much larger segment of the Palestinian population consists of poor and uneducated people who live in squalor. 

Not only that, but they're angry. They're taught from the cradle that "the Jews" are a subhuman race that is responsible for most if not all of their suffering.

The Palestinians have been abused and kicked around for generations—and strangely enough, most of that abuse has been at the hands of other Arabs, not the Israelis.

So their hostility is understandable. 

But it's misdirected.

For the United Nations or anyone else to expect these teeming, angry masses in Gaza and the West Bank to govern themselves honorably and responsibly is the height of folly, denial, and utter idiocy. 

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