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The Great Dilemma: Is Messiah a King or a Servant?

The rabbis have grappled with this problem for centuries. Most of the OT prophecies clearly portray the Messiah as a ruling, reigning King. But others seem to present a more humble Messianic figure. Some, like Isaiah 53, even say that He will die an agonizing and sacrificial death (Isa. 53:3-5; also, see the Talmud in Sukkah 52.a, b).

Hence, the dilemma. How can a royal Figure also be so tragic? Is this a kind of Messianic schizophrenia?

Our friend and colleague Joseph Weissman, a Jewish believer who lives in London, tackles this issue in his current blog entry. He draws some illuminating insights from the story of Jacob and Rachel in the Torah--and then ties it in with the Bethlehem prophecy in Micah 5:2. Check it out and see what you think:

Click here for Joseph's current entry on the Rosh Pina blog.


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