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Well, It's About Time!

All I can say is, "It's better late than never!"

For years, the silence of the Muslim moderate majority has been deafening.

We've been told for all this time that the vast majority of Muslims in the world do not condone the violent extremism of the militant minority.

But there was little evidence of any majority opposition to horrible acts of Islamic terror. Women supposedly caught in adultery were dragged onto a soccer field at halftime and shot in the head while thousands looked on. An American journalist in the Philippines was beheaded with the camera rolling. Girls who insisted on attending school were considered an embarrassment to their families. They were turned over to the authorities, tortured, and summarily executed. 

Then there was the heart-rending case of a soft-spoken 18-year-old Afghan woman named Aisha that made the cover of Time magazine. Aisha had fled from an abusive family situation. When she was apprehended, a cowardly Taliban commander ordered her nose and ears cut off. Unbelievable. She was horribly disfigured. 

We could go on citing a whole litany of horrible atrocities--all of which took place with no noticeable public outcry from the so-called "Muslim moderate majority."

That is, until now.

Anglican vicars in England have long been outspoken in their criticisms of the State of Israel. But now, guess who is defending Israel in the face of these Anglican attacks? Moderate Muslims in Canada! 

Yes, I'm serious!

Here's the article in today's online edition of the Jewish Tribuneclick here

Kudos to Sohail Raza, director of the Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow in Canada!

It's refreshing to be able to share good news once in awhile!

Thanks to our friends at the Rosh Pina Project (RPP) for alerting us to this noteworthy article.


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