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Tens of Billions of Planets Are Like Earth, Study Finds

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This is the Achilles heel of the Darwinian view of the universe.

If the building blocks of biological life are present on other planets where conditions are similar to earth, and if life arises spontaneously under such conditions and evolves into ever-higher and more advanced forms of life, then it is inconceivable that intelligent life similar to humankind hasn't evolved on other worlds. In fact, in some regions of the galaxy that are "older" than ours, evolutionary scientists are persuaded that civilizations much more advanced than ours may have arisen. This has given rise to efforts like SETI (the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) and its never-ending quest to establish contact with alien civilizations.

We discussed this in my Star Trek article in the July-August issue of Messianic Perspectivesclick here

The late Carl Sagan, the affable yet brilliant astronomer from Cornell University, was one of the early driving forces behind SETI. His book Contact was made into a motion picture starring Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey. The main character is a scientist who has dedicated her life to establishing contact with extraterrestrials. Spoiler warning: with a little help from Sagan's fertile imagination, she is finally able to do so.

Here's an excerpt from the article in Messianic Perspectives:

But there’s another fly in the ointment for our SETI friends. Even if we were to accept the possibility that there may be civilizations in other parts of the galaxy, how could we possibly know that they are friendly? After all, doesn’t Darwinian dogma dictate that the fittest species are the ones that survive—and the strong advance at the expense of the weak? So what if an alien civilization—like the Borg in Star Trek, for instance—simply saw us as raw materials and resources to be harvested—or perhaps as laborers to be enslaved? We may wish we hadn’t knocked on their door!

So have the Darwinists at SETI really thought this through? I wonder!

Nonetheless, evidence continues to mount that there are many other worlds similar to our own--possibly millions of them--scattered across the galaxy. The fact that all SETI is hearing from beyond our world is stark and uninterrupted silence tends to confirm a biblical worldview that says Planet Earth is the universe's cradle of intelligent life. It all started here! The rest of the universe was created for our exploration, growth, and enjoyment. Unfortunately, our quest to exercise dominion over the creation (as mandated in Genesis 1:26-28) was interrupted by the Fall (sin). Sagan would probably say that this is a rather self-absorbed and human-centric view of our place in the cosmos; however, I believe it's biblical. The Bible puts humankind (and Planet Earth) in the epicenter of a grand epic drama that's being played out on the stage of history. Its ultimate goal: to eradicate evil and its effects once and for all.

Here's the article from CNN: click here


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