Presentation Topics

Atonement in Bible Times and in the Synagogue Today

In general, the theological term “atonement” refers to cleansing from various types of impurities so that man and a holy God may continue to have a relationship. In biblical times, that cleansing was accomplished by the shedding of an animal’s blood at the Temple. How do Jewish people today hope to have their sins atoned for since animal sacrifices and the Temple no longer exist? 

Behold Your God (Isaiah 40)

The Prophet provides a message of hope and comfort to the Israelites who were suffering exile in Babylon because of their sin and disobedience. God had justly punished Jerusalem for her sins, but His ultimate purpose was not their destruction, but redemption and reconciliation. That same message of hope in the midst of our sin forms the heart of the biblical story, the Gospel—and clearly speaks to us today.

Christ in the Feasts of Tabernacles

The laws, customs, and traditions associated with the observance of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) as written in Leviticus 23:34-43 and Numbers 29:12-38. It is a joyful feast of thanksgiving, emphasizing the believer’s relationship with Jesus, pointing to the future, when He will dwell with us here on earth.

Christ in the Passover

The Jewish people have celebrated Passover for over 34 centuries, remembering how God saved them from certain death. The blood of an unblemished lamb was applied to the doorposts and lintels of our homes. Thereafter, the angel of death moved through Egypt to smite the firstborn of the Egyptians. Every succeeding Passover has been a memorial of that first occasion. Today, we celebrate our Passover Lamb, Jesus (Yeshua), who shed His blood to save us all from certain spiritual death. Through this presentation, you will learn the significance of the words He spoke and the foods He ate as they reveal God’s plan of redemption for mankind.

Created to Proclaim

Throughout Scripture, God has revealed His plan of salvation. While the Gospel is often associated with the New Testament, it is interwoven throughout all of Scripture, which includes the Old Testament. God has always communicated the way of salvation for His people, and you can too!

Do Jewish People Need Jesus?

This presentation examines God’s strategy for evangelism according to Romans 1:16, and the Church’s responsibility in carrying out this task.

How to Witness to Your Jewish Friends

Have you ever wondered how you can share the Good News with your Jewish friends? This presentation will equip the believer in presenting the Gospel to His Chosen People. 

Israel Update 

Learn the latest about CJF Ministries’ work of evangelism, outreach, and discipleship in the Land of Israel. Israeli believers in Mevaseret, Karmiel, and Haifa demonstrate the Gospel’s reconciling power in action. 

Jesus in the Old Testament

This presentation outlines the major prophecies in the Old Testament that predicted the coming of the Messiah. It is a faith-building message that explores the plan of salvation in the Old Testament and helps Christians better understand their Jewish neighbors. 

Message from the Word

Scripture teachings presented from their original first-century Jewish perspective. 

Ministry Update

Learn what God is doing with the Dubin’s ministry. If you wish, you can also receive our quarterly activity updates.

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice (1 Samuel 15)

God gave Israel detailed instructions about religious sacrifices, but He desired first and foremost, whole-hearted devotion to Him and His commandments. As the tragic story of King Saul illustrates, rituals mean nothing if not accompanied by a deep love for God and His will. 

Personal Testimony

As Jewish believers, the Dubins have their own unique stories to tell. Their vibrant testimony will certainly encourage your church!


The Book of Esther contains one of the most significant victories for the Jewish people against persecution. When there is a victory for the Jewish people, there is a victory for all people. Our Purim message brings the ancient account into a relevant and modern perspective. If there had been no Purim and the Jewish people where annihilated by the hand of Haman, how would the Messiah (Jesus) have fulfilled the prophecies regarding His coming?

Rosh Hashanah

Commonly called the Jewish New Year, this holiday is known in the Bible as Yom Teruah, “the day of shouting or blasting.” This is the first day of the Jewish High Holy Days identified in Leviticus 23. See how this fall holiday fits into God’s prophetic plan.

The Fall Feasts

The fall feasts are unique among the appointed times of the Lord. The lessons they teach form a natural progression. Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) demonstrate God’s redemptive timetable and the Second Coming of the Lord. 

The Gospel in the Feasts of Israel

To walk in the ways of the Savior is at the heart of every believer. We can do this by connecting with His culture and the things He held dear. Throughout the Gospels, we read that Jesus was in Jerusalem with His disciples for the feasts, so the feasts must be significant for us, too! Discover the past, present, and prophetic impact of Leviticus 23 with your church.

The Jewish Roots of Pentecost

Many Gentile believers recognize Pentecost as the day the Church was born in Jerusalem. But how many know that Pentecost was a Jewish feast established millennia earlier by God in Leviticus 23? Your faith will grow as you see the connection between this feast (which required all Jewish men to travel to Jerusalem) and that first harvest of souls, establishing Messiah’s church on earth. 

The Sufficiency and Supply of God in the Wilderness (Genesis 22)

Increase your faith through the story of Abraham when he was called by God to sacrifice his son, Isaac, the one through whom the promised Messiah was to come. 

Yom Kippur

Once a year, on a day and in a way prescribed by God in Leviticus 16, the Jewish people “afflict their souls,” and by fasting, repentance, and sacrifice, seek to have their sins forgiven and their relationship with a holy God temporarily restored. Learn about the Day of Atonement and how the atoning sacrifice of Yeshua restored that relationship with God once and for all.